Mon voyage en Amérique du sud comme coopérante humanitaire
vendredi 6 juin 2008
Conversation entre cousines
Ma cousine m'a écris aujourd'hui pour me montrer son nouevel appart et pour me dire combien elle aimerait être avec moi ici, au Pérou.
Moi sussi j'aimerais qu'elle soit ici. Elle a voyagé vraiment beaucoup et est définitivement plus sociable que moi, on feraient une bonne paire en voyage ensemble. Je lui ai donc répondu en lui disant celà et en lui expliquand combien aujourd'hui c'était difficile avec les jeunes de la maison. Je sais pas trop ce qu'il se passe, mais je pert tranquillement le contrôle. La barrière linguistique m'empèche de travailler avec eux comme je le ferrais en français.
Elle m'a répondu, je vous laisse lire ce email, qui me touche beaucoup et qui explique bien comment je peux me sentir. Et contrairement à elle (qui a passé 2 ans au Japon pour enseigner l'anglais) , moi je suis plutôt seule ici, et c'est vrai, les gens sont plutôt méfiants.
Merci Freddy, tanks for the love
I'm feeling you, Val.
Yeah, it was crazy in Japan for the first while and, yes, the language barrier was pretty tough (not to mention the cultural differences). On top of what I had to deal with, you're trying to integrate yourself into a sub-culture that's suspicious by nature which makes things even more difficult.
In Japan, the language may have been INSANELY different but everyone knew why I was there and took very, very good care of me. The locals were more than accomodating, often treating me like a some kind of superstar and I could get pretty much anything I wanted if I asked for it (or, because I was in Japan, hinted at it).
Plus, I was brought in with a whole group of other foreigners that I could connect with if the mood struck me (which it did upon occasion).
My point is that I think you have it waaaaay more rough than I ever did and I can't tell you how proud I am of you and what you are doing. In fact, most of my friends are fully aware of "my cousin, Val, who dropped everything and moved to Lima to work with street kids". It's not just that you're there for a worthy cause but, mostly, for the reasons you've already mentioned: You've left everything you know; your family, friends, petite chatte, and all things familiar to find some meaning to your life, to fight for a cause you feel is worthy of the battle. A lot of people talk about doing stuff like that (as I have) but never just get out and do it.
You're doing it.
And I know it's hard. I can't even imagine how hard is it. I'm guessing that there is a little part of you that is,at least once a day, thinking :"What the fuck am I doing? Why am I here?" and that maybe you're pride, but mostly your determination, is preventing you from just chucking in the towel and coming home.
I know this is tough. I know the kids are probably giving you a hard time. My guess is that they've seen (or heard of) a lot of people with good intentions come into their lives, only to disappear once they begin to trust them and trust is one of those things that's hard to earn but is often worth more than the effort.
If anyone can do this, Val, you can.
You have a sharp mind and kind heart and no one could wish for more where you are.
I love you a lot and I'm here if you need me.
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C'est vrai que je t'aime, ma petite cousine.
RépondreEffacerSo, so very much.